Wednesday, February 26, 2014

the river

I woke up to sound of flowing water. When I finally realized where and what I had done I knew I had to get home. I wasn’t that familiar with these woods but I thought I knew my way around enough to find my way back home. I ran as fast as I could but wasn’t getting anywhere. I kept passing that same old dead tree. At that point I was panicking to the point where my chest tightened up and I worried I was going to have an attack. I heard someone’s voice in the distance and I followed it as best I could. It took me back the side of the river and then stopped. At that point I was so tired and scared my heart sank and I just gave up. I stood there just looking down at my run down sneakers and thought to myself I need a sign.
            I saw something in the corner of my eye, in the water. It looked like a big log floating down the river. It was more towards the other side. I squinted toward the log trying to get a better look. I was only 15 yet had the vision of a 70 year old. I poked my neck out as far as I could as if that would give me a better look. After long seconds of trying I to figure out what this thing was was I finally saw it. It startled me so much I jumped back and held my chest. It was the body of a naked boy. I was scared out of my mind but my fear wouldn’t over power my interest in finding out more. The boy was floating slowly but he was getting out of range to where I could see him. I was walking fast down the side of the river following it, just staring. as it moved closer to the side I was on I could see it well enough to see the paleness of the body. Now I recognized him. That little boy was my baby brother.
            “Jackson!” I screamed out for him over and over. i ran over to that broken tree that leaned over the river in attempt to reach out for his hand and save him. I reached as low as I possibly could for him as he passed without falling into the water myself and drowning. My heart was beating so fast. I jumped down from the tree and ran into the water I was so close to grabbing him when the water pulled me down. I couldn’t swim. I was trying so hard to get up for air but it just kept pulling me back down. I don’t remember what happened after that. I woke up coughing up water. Mama was crying over me screaming, “Danny!” she was pushing my chest down. When I caught my breath I looked at the river and struggled to tell mama what happened. she took a deep breath in and let go. Her shoulder fell.
            “danny. Jacksons been dead for years. You know that.”

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Welcome! to the blog The untold... It features poetry, short stories, plays etc. by me, Nandi.  I am a Freshman at School of The Arts. I'm a creative writing major. Love to write poetry and fantasy short stories. I have recently been introduced to hint fiction.