Thursday, May 8, 2014

chew on this response

After reading the first chapter of chew on this, it didn't really change my thinking of fast food. It had a really great hook "we recognize the golden arches more than we do the christian cross". I actually agree with that because I personally dont know as much as i should about the bible and everything but then again I dont know as much as i should about whats in the fast food that I consume either. i'm fourteen now and even as a smaller kid my family never really ate together as a family. we once in a blue moon eat at the table. thanksgiving, sometimes christmas, but never just to do it. I would say I eat eat fast food maybe twice a week but I eat home cooked meals more so im okay with it. what i found interesting in chapter one is the language. the book is to educate the readers on fact about whats in fast food yet the language is way more formal. I appreciate that in a book.

Monday, May 5, 2014

bowling for coulmbine response

The documentary "bowling for columbine" was really interesting and informative. the title mislead me because I didnt know anything about the columbine shooting after the first day we watched it i found myself talking to my mom about it. The topic was a good choice. i like that they chose an event and then based the documentary around it like the NRA and stuff. I learned about how media affects violence in the united states. how canada has way less of a rate of gun violence than we do. though the documentary left some questions unanswered i would most definetly reccomend it.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


During the past 8 weeks I’ve learned things from you. I’ve learned things about symbolism and how to start my stories of better. You helped me a lot with writer’s block too in the beginning. Apart from all the stuff we had to learn you turned out to be a really cool dude. You made things way easier to understand. You give good advice. I’m going to miss you dude.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


        Symbolism is the use of concrete objects to represent abstract ideas and emotions. Symbolism can be found in the story The Robber Bridegroom by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. An example of symbolism is the ring that was on the finger of the maiden that the robbers chopped up and killed. The robbers noticed the ring and chopped her whole finger off with an ax because they couldn't seem to get it off. When they did it flew off into the air, over the barrel the bride was hiding behind, and just happened to land into her lap. The bride didn't listen to the bird and went into the house anyway because she thought nothing of it. It was the moment the finger landed in the bride's lap that she had come the realization that she was soon to be married to a horrifying man. I think the ring was somewhat symbolic because the bride was supposed to be married to the robber bridegroom and when you get married you exchange rings.  It represented the what the future held if she would have went through with the wedding.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hint fiction

hint fiction
her special day

She walked in. People got on their feet. Music played setting the back round to the sounds of gasps not at her beauty but of pitter patter of runaway feet. 


He reached inside feeling for what he so deeply desired. More nervous than excited. Time was up and he now realized. His head slowly rising, not able to look her in the eyes, told her the bad news.

short story book review

A couple weeks ago I started reading a series of short stories for class. The book is called Undone! by Paul Jennings. The stories within the story are the little adventures this girl takes to save a boy that lives in the caves of the woods with bats because it is about to fall in at any moment. Her father forbids it at first then lets her after realizing she was going with or without his permission. I like this book because of the storyline and how its written. A girl, in the woods on and adventure, by herself, it gets you interested. I'm not finished with the whole story yet but so far I like it. Its action filled and has alot of really good parts. So far, id give it a 9.

Monday, March 17, 2014

What makes a story? Why do we tell stories?

   To me, what makes a story is the plot. The plot of a story represents the creativity the author had when they were thinking about the idea for it. A good plot has a protagonist, an antagonist,and conflict. Without these things the story is dull and the reader had nothing to look forward to when reading it.

   What is the point of even writing stories? I feel that sharing ideas with others broadens peoples imaginations. When listening or reading to other people's stories you take a break from reality and see things through the eyes of another person. This, I think is what keeps people sane. If everyone sat around and thought of nothing else but what goes on in their own lives, nothing would be interesting.